You're chosen to be the Dragon Slayer! Using this class, you'll be in the advantage against all the evil Dragons in Astrista.
Luck Hybrid
You're chosen to be the Dragon Slayer! Using this class, you'll be in the advantage against all the evil Dragons in Astrista.
Beta DragonSlayers gain mana when they:,-Strike an enemy in combat (more effective on crits),-Are struck by an enemy in combat
A basic attack, taught to all adventurers.
Breathes Fire on your target causing moderate damage and applying the DragonBurn state to them for Damage Over Time.
Summon the Water Prime's power and hit your foe with a crushing jet of water, which has a slight chance to stun your target.
Gather magical essence from nearby ley lines, healing a good amount of HP immediately, while also increasing damage resistance by 75% for 6 seconds.
Hit Chance and outgoing physical damage increased by 10%.
Damage Resistance increased by 10%.
Spread your wings and take flight at your opponent, striking them for unavoidable damage that cannot crit, and increasing your own haste by 100% and reducing mana costs by 50% for 8 seconds.
Never miss.
Crit chance and Crit damage increased by 10%.