An adorable mage for those who want to use their magic to fight with HEART! Use its power wisely as a protector of all things PINK!
Offensive Caster
The Heart Caster is a charming and mystical class that channels the power of love and emotions into potent magical attacks. With an arsenal of heart-themed abilities, this class specializes in dealing consistent damage while supporting allies with unique buffs. Whether launching explosive heart-shaped projectiles or dashing across the battlefield with grace, the Heart Caster is a force to be reckoned with.
The Heart Caster regenerates mana through consistent auto-attacks and special skills that restore mana upon hitting enemies. Additionally, certain auras and passive effects provide steady mana regeneration over time.
The Heart Caster specializes in magic damage, focusing on critical hits and bursts. High mana and cooldown reduction boost skill uptime. While defenses are moderate, mobility skills ensure effective repositioning in battle.
A fundamental attack that every Heart Caster learns. This ability launches a small heart-shaped projectile at an enemy, dealing moderate damage. Each successful hit contributes to mana regeneration, making it an essential tool for maintaining spellcasting efficiency.
Tosses a magical grenade infused with pure affection. Upon impact, it explodes in a burst of energy, guaranteeing a critical hit on all enemies caught in the blast. This skill is perfect for dealing high burst damage in fast-paced battles.
Always critical hit.
Dashes forward in a graceful burst of speed, leaving behind a trail of shimmering hearts. This ability allows for quick repositioning, evasion of attacks, or closing the distance on foes. It can also be used strategically to escape danger.
Channels deep inner love, restoring health over time for a brief period. This self-healing ability is crucial for surviving prolonged battles and pairs well with defensive strategies.
A devastating ultimate attack where the Heart Caster summons a massive heart-shaped projectile and hurls it toward enemies. The impact delivers tremendous magic damage, making it one of the most powerful offensive skills in the arsenal.