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Astrista's Princess
Tank Melee

Lotte's Personal icon Lotte's Personal
Lotte's Personal Hair icon Lotte's Personal Hair
Lotte's Cane icon Lotte's Cane
  • Level 1
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 60 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

newbie Enter/join newbie

1. Heyy there {user} and welcome to Dragonia! I am so glad to see you here, I wish you the best on your journey in Dragonia. To begin your journey, please accept my quest and walk to Galanoth up the path.

battleon Enter/join battleon

1. Welcome to the beautiful starter town {user}! I will frequently change shops, and add and remove Rare items. Also, check out the lovely house we've built here! It has a great attic.

pinktown Enter/join pinktown

1. Hey {user}! It's good to see you here in my own storyline, I will be giving you lots of quests to do, to protect my lovely Pink world.... Please help me out!

pinkforest Enter/join pinkforest

1. You've made it to the Pink Forest! Good job {user}, now please help me get rid of this very scary bear.. he's at the end of the map, be careful!

pinkswamp Enter/join pinkswamp

1. You've made it to the Pink Swamp! Good job {user}, now help me get rid of all these monsters, so you can continue your journey to the Pink Tree!

pinktree Enter/join pinktree

1. You've made it to the Pink Tree {user}! There's a big bad monster guarding the beautiful Pink Tree, I need you to clear the room for me, so I can visit my beautiful Tree again!

pinkriver Enter/join pinkriver

1. You've made it to the Pink River {user}! Watch out, it's very slippery.

yulgar room4/join yulgar

1. Welcome to my lovely throne room in Yulgar! Make sure to check out my shop for some awesome gear! And enjoy your stay in this inn.