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Slayer of Destruction
Tank Melee

Frieren icon Frieren
Frieren's Hair icon Frieren's Hair
Frieren's Mantle icon Frieren's Mantle
Frieren's Staff icon Frieren's Staff
  • Level 1
  • Health 0
  • Mana 0
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 1 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

battleontown Enter/join battleontown

1. Hey there {user}! I am the Elven Mage Frieren, I am here to guide you through the Akiba storyline! To match the theme, there will be lots of Anime related rewards, so I wish you the best of luck there.

akiba Enter/join akiba

1. Welcome to Akiba {user}. This storyline is somewhat Anime related, so you'll be able to earn some lovely Anime items, and just other Japenese/Chinese related items.

akibaroads Enter/join akibaroads

1. Welcome to the Akibaroads! Please help me get rid of all the monsters on this beautiful road, so I can go on my night walks again.