1. Welcome aboard my Undeadship {user}! There's been a few intruders and I need you to go and get rid of them! After you've done that we'll set sail to shore!
1. Arrrr! Hello there {user}, I am the Pirate Captain of Astrista and I am here to bring you lots of great Pirate gear and adventures! Goodluck with fighting on my ships and docks!
1. Arrrr! You've made it to the island {user}! Please, help me get rid of all the monsters here so you can continue your journey on my great ship!
1. Arrrr! You've made it back on my ship {user}! but we've been attacked by the kraken! Go down in the ship and kill all the monsters! I'll see you soon on land!
1. Arghhh! The ship has crashed now we're stranded at this unknown island, quick make your way through and grab the next ship to continue your journey!