Astrista Logo
  • Level 1
  • Health 25,000
  • Mana 500
  • Attack Speed 2 seconds
  • Respawn time 60 seconds
  • Total kills 0x

Location & Dialog

undeadship Enter/join undeadship

1. Welcome aboard my Undeadship {user}! There's been a few intruders and I need you to go and get rid of them! After you've done that we'll set sail to shore!

battleon Enter/join battleon

1. Arrrr! Hello there {user}, I am the Pirate Captain of Astrista and I am here to bring you lots of great Pirate gear and adventures! Goodluck with fighting on my ships and docks!

undeadisland Enter/join undeadisland

1. Arrrr! You've made it to the island {user}! Please, help me get rid of all the monsters here so you can continue your journey on my great ship!

underwater Enter/join underwater

1. Arrrr! You've made it back on my ship {user}! but we've been attacked by the kraken! Go down in the ship and kill all the monsters! I'll see you soon on land!

crashedship Enter/join crashedship

1. Arghhh! The ship has crashed now we're stranded at this unknown island, quick make your way through and grab the next ship to continue your journey!